Why join us?
Joining the Mayflower Society helps to keep the stories and ideals of the Mayflower pilgrims strong and alive for future generations. It’s also a great way to establish connections with others whose roots also hark back to the Mayflower.
Mayflower Societies worldwide hold meetings and activities for members to socialise and share stories with other Mayflower descendants. In Australia, we aim hold two meetings of Australian members annually, and you'll also have the chance to get involved with Committees to keep the Society strong and vital.
When you join the Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants, you also receive the benefits of General Society membership outlined below.
"Family history gives us a personal and interesting way to engage with topics of the past and learn about influences on culture."
Member benefits
Invitations to Mayflower Society events, congresses and organised trips to pilgrim sites in the US, UK, and Holland.
Official confirmation of your lineage and storage of your family’s lineage papers.
Free tours of the historic Mayflower Society House and free admission to the GSMD Research Library in Plymouth USA.
The Mayflower Quarterly e-Magazine about history, genealogy and activities of societies worldwide, as well as the Australian Mayflower Society’s quarterly e-news.
Discounted subscription to AmericanAncestors.org and free access to their searchable database of GSMD membership applications 1620-1920.
The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants would like to remind our membership that we can process supplemental applications. This is available should you desire the recognition, and have additional Mayflower lineages beyond your initial one through which you attained membership. There is only the standard application fee which the General Society at Plymouth collects for each supplemental, yet no additional yearly membership dues.
See the General Society of Mayflower Descendants
website for more details on member benefits.

Mayflower Society House Museum, Plymouth Massachusetts, USA

Who can become
a member?
All persons who are directly descended from a passenger on the Mayflower passengers list are eligible for membership.
Your lineage needs to be documented by birth, marriage and death certificates or other official records. See our guidance on researching your lineage.
As well as regular membership, Australia offers membership categories for children and spouses of descendants, and dual or transferred memberships from other Mayflower societies. Learn more about applying for membership, membership fees and categories, and our Junior Memberships.
You may also like to contact our historian to find out more about the membership process and the documentation required.
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