Photo Gallery 2020
2020 Year in Review January 2021
January 26th marks the first anniversary of Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants. Here are some highlights of our first year. Thanks to all those who've been part of our journey.
Spring 2020 (September-December)
Highlights for Australian members this quarter included Thanksgiving celebrations, the final leg of a round-the-world sailing trip, launching a new book, and celebrating birthdays and a new baby. We also held our first Annual General Meeting via Zoom. With the end of the year in sight, we wish everyone a happy Christmas and New Year.

Winter 2020 (June-August)
With the Australian borders still not open, members 'zoomed-in' for the Australian Society's International Business Meeting in August. The group was honoured to be joined by Jane Hurt & George Garmany Jnr (Secretary & Governor Generals) from the GSMD USA. In Plymouth, the Mayflower II docked following a multi-million dollar restoration, and back in Australia, members shared some fascinating Mayflower family history and insights.

Autumn 2020
During lockdown, the Society's Facebook page was active with members sharing historical paintings and stories, social isolation reading and 'keep sailing' inspiration. Some Australian Mayflower descendants were sailing the world, others writing books and painting. The Leiden 400 Commemoration launched digitally with a 3D virtual tour of the town and, to top it off, our Australian Society was incorporated and website launched.

Summer 2020
The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants received its official charter in Plymouth on 26 January 2020, thanks to the hard work of Governor, Keith Quimbach. Soon after, Deputy Governor, Bill Elliott, caught up with Australian Mayflower descendants around the country.

Photography policy
The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants reserves the right to use photos and videos supplied by members or taken at a Society event or member meeting without the expressed written permission of those included in the photo/video. We may use these photos and videos in Society communications such as newsletters, social media or our website, with or without individual names.
Should you not wish to have your image published or prefer not to be identified, please contact us at AUSMDPublicity@gmail.com
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