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It's official! Australia joins Mayflower Society

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Australia offically became the 54th member of The General Society of Mayflower Descendents (GSMD) on January 26, 2020, 'Australia Day'.

Judy & Steve Arnold having High Tea with a Mayflower Society member in Plymouth on Australia Day

Steve Arnold, New Member Societies Liaison, and his wife Judy, visited Plymoutin January to celebrate the founding of the Mayflower Society in Australia.

The Arnolds's, along with GSMD Director of Genealogy Marti Bobertz and her staff of verifiers, gathered in front the fireplace in the former Historian General’s cottage at the Mayflower Society Library to toast the Australia Society.

Steve and Judy brought home-baked English tea cookies and apple cinnamon scones, recipes from Steve’s great-grandmother, who was born in London in 1854.

"The Australian members have come together in less than five months" says Governor Keith Quimbach. "We are a special group.... I have never put so many hours into a single project as for making the deadline for our petition."

Thanks to Keith Quimbach, Acting Australia Governor, for his hard work to make the the Mayflower Society in Australia a reality; as well Steve Arnold, Midge Hurtuk, Connecticut Society Historian; Marti Bobertz, and the entire staff of verifiers in the Plymouth office.

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