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Australian Anniversary Zoom Social: a 'virtual' success!

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants (AUSMD), celebrated our first Anniversary on 26 January 2021, Australia Day.

To acknowledge this important occasion, Governor Keith Quimbach organised our first ever Zoom Social Event for 4pm (Perth Time) 6pm (Brisbane Time); 7pm (Sydney Time) 3am (EST) and 2am (CST) on the 26th of January 2021 for approximately 2.5 hours, with the option of logging in or out at leisure.

Although it was Australia Day here and pre-dawn in North America, there were nine Australian and four US attendees. What a great effort by our USA members who got up, or stayed up, in the wee small hours of the morning to join in our celebrations! It was a wonderful experience for us all to get together in a personal way, spend time getting to know each other better, and share bits of history and information.


The Social was attended in Australia by Keith Quimbach, Governor (and his wife Genevieve who dropped in briefly to wish us Happy Anniversary); Bill Elliot, Deputy Governor; Steve Isham, Elder; Connie Riley, Treasurer; and Orel Lea, Charter Member; Colin and Jeanne Harrison, Charter Members, and Kathleen and Steward Rochester, Potential Members.

Attending from the USA were Jane Hurt, Governor General; Dr. Naomi Mann, AUSMD Surgeon General; Meg Averett, Secretary General; and Marti Bobertz, Charter Member, Director of Genealogy and Research.

Apologies were given by Lorrie Link, Member at Large 3 (USA); Vicki Andrews, Associate Member; Judy and Steve Arnold, Charter Members; Joan Hall-Jones, BOA; Fiona Rae Lynton, Charter Member; Andrew Wells, Historian, Keith Price, Charter Member and Sue Mclean, Newsletter Editor; Phillip Koether, BOA and Marc, and Lisa Apfel.

Keith announced the exciting news that next month we will be initiating our Junior Membership Category.

Keith was very happy and appreciative of the people who logged on - new faces and regular members alike - who enjoyed a very nice afternoon conversing.

A few teething problems with logging on and accessing meeting codes have now been addressed to eliminate any problems with future events like these.

A very enjoyable event for all. Let’s look forward to our next Social Event on Zoom!

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