The Australian Governor's update - September 2022
In July it was a wonderful and exciting opportunity to meet face-to-face with so many members at our Annual General Meeting in Sydney. The weekend was a great success shared by all.
My personal thank you goes out Lester Riley for all the photos he took during the AGM. Some of the photos from the AGM and the meeting with the Fellowship of First Fleeters are featured on the website and our Facebook page.
Congratulations to Derek Hall, former Operations Manager at Screen Queensland Studios being selected as Head of Studios for “Two for 54 Productions”, to design, build and operate the largest filming studio in the Middle East. The backlot will encompass 70,000 sq. meters. In June, Derek moved from Brisbane to Abu Dhabi, UAE. Derek’s wife and their children followed in July. Derek is staying on with us as an Australian Society member. Some of Derek’s concept photos can be found on our AUSMD Inc. Facebook page. Derek was the guest speaker last year at the Thanksgiving Dinner sponsored by the AAA in Brisbane.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to Steve Arnold for representing our Australian Society at the GBOA. We are glad you and Judy made it back to Connecticut safely.
I want to extend our deepest sympathies to the family of our website manager, Genevieve Quimbach whose father, Donald R Buchanan passed away on June 15th this year. Out of respect to the family I felt it was only proper and respectful to postpone our June newsletter. Don’s birthday was July 19th, and he would have been 89 years old.
New members
AU-52 – Vicki Wells from Overland Park, Kansas. Another George Soule descendant. Vicki’s application was approved in May 2022.
AU-53 – Dr. Philip D. Keeslar from Singapore. Dr. Keeslar is a William Bradford descendant. Philip’s application was approved on 27 July 2022. Dr. Keeslar earned his degree in Education, Organizational Leadership.
AU-50A – Associate Member Colin Stone approved in June 2022.
AU-51A – Associate Member Terry Patterson approved March 2022.
AU-53A – Associate Member Somwang Keeslar approved in August 2022
AU-12A – Associate Member Beverley Granger was approved in August 2022.
The General Society of Mayflower Descendants
A true surprise was The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants will be receiving an award for highest percentage of new members in the GSMD for the year 2022. This award will be presented at Congress in Plymouth September 2023.
The Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants
A motion from the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants, supported and seconded by the Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants helped present a resolution to GSMD that our General Society send our condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Please read the resolution here.
Birthday wishes and Anniversaries
For May, June and July
Greg Thompson, Marion Isham, Matilda Lea, Keith Quimbach, Luke Isham, and Carla Rigby.
For August and September
Steve Arnold, Governor General Jane Hurt, Orel Lea, Graham Andrews, Keenan Granger and Philip Keeslar, who received his greatest birthday present, being approved as a member before his birthday.
Keep sailing along! Keith Quimbach, Governor
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