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GBOA Meeting Report - Bloomington, Minnesota September 10, 2022

Steve Arnold

Again, it is always an Honor to represent Australia at the General Society’s General Board of Assistants Meeting. This year was exceptionally special due to 2 Awards and a Special Resolution by Co-Sponsored by Canada and Australia on the passing of Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II.

It was a wonderful treat to be able to give name tags from Australia to our US Charter Members. They were all delighted to receive them, and I saw many wearing them.

The GBOA was opened with 45 Societies being represented. The following are the Reports of note to your AG:

Executive Director, Mark Schmidt: Mark and his team have written several Grants which have brought a remarkable amount of money to GSMD for our much needed upgrades. Congratulations to him and the staff at Plymouth, his expertise was and is an asset to All members of GSMD.

Former Gov. General and Director of National Pilgrim Meeting House Lea Sinclair Filson: The work on the Pilgrim Meeting House is on going and Spectacular. The outside is finished and looks amazing. At this time an elevator is being installed and finish work is ongoing on the interior. Architectural plans are being finished for the North Side that I believe will be beautiful. I wish all members could have see Lea’s presentation in person. Lea is truly the correct person for this extremely important project.

Mayflower Society House, Gov. General Jane Hurt: The much needed repairs are well underway with a hope of being completed before our 2023 Congress in Plymouth. New wiring, new furnace, removal of wood rot and many general repairs throughout the entire house. Thanks again to Mark Schmidt for his Grant writing skills.

Bylaws and Charter Amendments, Lisa H. Pennington, Counsellor General: Article IV: MEMBERSHIP Section 7e (Notify Membership Manager instead of Historian General of Transfer) Several comments were made due to the Membership Manager is a hired position and not a Member of GSMD.

A standing vote was declared because of the large number of no votes. I voted NO, but passed.

All other Bylaw and Constitution Amendments were passed unanimously. These will be brought up for final vote at Congress. I am certain there will be a lot of discussion held at Congress.

It was an Honor to help present a resolution to GSMD that our General Society send our condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Below is the exact copy of the resolution for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Motion from the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants, Supported and seconded by the Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants:

WHEREAS: The members of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants acknowledge our common roots “as loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord King James,” and

WHEREAS: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II reigned for more than seventy years over the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the Commonwealth, and

WHEREAS: the members of the European Society, the Canadian Society, and the Australian Society now mourn the passing of their head of state, and

WHEREAS: Her Majesty has served as a source of dignity and of inspiration as an example of selfless duty and lifelong service;

BE IT RESOLVED by the General Board of Assistants gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota that the condolences of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants be joined with those of so many others around the world on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and

THAT the Governor General of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants do now convey our deepest sympathy and sorrow on this loss.

Passed by unanimous consent, 10 September 2022.

Awards, Jane D. Schleinzer, Executive Committee Member at Large: Many Societies nominated members for awards. It was with Great pride I received the award for our own Connie Lynn Riley. She will receive a GSMD Commendation Award Certificate and beautiful pin. It was a pleasure to accept these for her.

A true Surprise was Australia receiving another Award of Great Pride was announcement that the Australian Society of Mayflower Descendants will be Awarded the Award for highest percentage of New Members in the GSMD for the year 2022. This award will be presented at Congress in Plymouth September 2023.

Future GBOA Meeting Locations: September 7-12 2023, Triennial Congress, Plymouth, Massachusetts

September 2024, GBOA, Ashville, North Carolina

September 2025, GBOA, San Antonio, Texas

September 2026, Triennial Congress, Plymouth, Massachusetts

September 2027, GBOA, Atlanta Georgia

Submitted by Steven B. Arnold

Society of Mayflower Descendants in Australia

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