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Thanksgiving prayer - AGM 13th November 2021

Reverand Luke Isham

Hi I’m Luke living in St Kilda Melbourne - Edward Fuller line.

It’s been 400 years since the our ancestors, literally 53 of our ancestors celebrated Thanksgiving with 90 people of the Wampanoag tribe. So its my privilege to give a prayer of thanksgiving to conclude a meeting of the Pilgrim descendants with a prayer of thanksgiving.

"Almighty God, you blessed our Pilgrim fore-fathers with a home free from persecution and have blessed us with the opportunity to organise ourselves in memory of them. Please enable each member, newly elected today to offices and particular roles in this Society that we might serve well and have insight and creativity to follow through in the months and years ahead with worthy projects.

Please help us in the discovery of others in Australia that are part of the Mayflower family and do our best to support their lineage search. We thank-you for our shared history, for the friendship of the Wampanoag tribe 400 years ago, and for the freedom to remember and celebrate the Pilgrims. You are the God of good gifts, then and now. We’re thankful for vaccinations, healthcare and an end to the pandemic. We’re thankful to meet together today.

In the name of Christ


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